Shibuya Halloween is a big hit again this year! Erotic police (?) with a good face and a good body are brought to a hotel for a photo shoot! Even if I'm a little pushy, I'll be forgiven for tonight! When she notices, she is sure to be excited by the sight of him devouring his dick! !

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October 31, 2019, today is Halloween! This year, measures have been taken such as banning drinking on the streets and strengthening the security system, so incidents like last year's riots have diminished, but the event is still as lively as ever! Various actors also dress up in costumes and go out on the town, taking photos with the girls, exchanging contact information, and looking for opportunities to paco! After walking around for a while, I got a LINE message from the two people I had exchanged contact information with earlier! After meeting up, we called it a launch and went to the izakaya! Both of us are in a good mood and have a great time in the shop, but under the horigotatsu seats, we are sitting with our seniors.
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