Madonna exclusive Hikari Hikari's first ripe comic! ! A faithful sequel to the Hall of Fame NTR work Married Woman and NTR Town Trip! ! Original: Arakure: A married woman who is taken to bed and a married woman who is taken to bed

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Popular NTR doujin writer Arakure's ``Sleeping Married Woman and Sleeping Married Woman'' will be made into a reality for the first time by Madonna exclusive Hikari! Ayumi (Hikari Hime) is invited by Yumiko (Yuria Yoshine), who also lives in the same apartment building, to go on a tour of the town association, but not only the town association head but also a man named Nagata appears along with her, making Ayumi wary... She is drugged with sleeping pills and is helplessly raped by Nagata. Ayumi feels guilty for not being able to protect Yumiko, but Yumiko... *The contents may differ depending on the distribution method. Special feature
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